Concrete Sealing & Coating

At NZ Grinders we love concrete sealing

Beautiful, sealed concrete floors – the affordable alternative.

We can provide the look of a polished concrete floor without the cost.

We grind the floor then apply a topical coat – think of it like nailpolish lacquer, instead of actually polishing the stone itself.

A cafe cloor with a topical coat concrete sealed floor and blue and white striped wall with a chalkboard menu on left wall
Concrete floor with full stone exposure polish
Toilet floor polished concrete grind and seal
Concrete floor with two roller doors with a grind and seal floor finish by nz grinders


Referred to as a GRIND AND SEAL, concrete sealing is a topical coating solution – you get the look of a polished concrete floor without the cost.

Concrete sealing comes in many different forms. We seal the concrete to stop hydrostatic pressure, waterproofing and to give a dust-free surface for garages, workshops, retail, outside decking and the likes.

NZ Grinders use a variety of concrete sealers from water base to solvent. Sealers range from natural which means the concrete has no colour added to sealers that have matt or gloss (wet look).

We use an industrial range that does not yellow from the U.V. and bite into the concrete. We never see any delamination issues. We have sealers for exposed aggregate concrete and normal brushed concrete that help reduce efflorescence.

We do sealing with anti-slip and semi topical coatings to give protection from the elements.

The disadvantage of a topical coat is that it could yellow over time, and the surface needs extra care over its lifetime – it may show scratching from pet claws or furniture movement.


Grind and seal topical polished concrete NZ Grinders Tauranga
Grind and seal topical polished concrete NZ Grinders Tauranga
Grind and seal Polished Concrete NZ Grinders Rotorua
Grind and seal Polished Concrete NZ Grinders Rotorua

Licensed Applicator

htc certification nzgrinders

NZ Grinders staff has been trained and approved as Certified Contractors for the HTC Superfloor and Hiperfloor systems.

You have guaranteed satisfaction and quality assurance.

HTC Superfloor logo nz grinders
HTC Hiperfloor logo nz grinders
*North Island


We use VOC free, water based, non toxic sealants and coatings.

With an 87% company wide Sitewise Green rating 2022, followed by Sitewide Gold 93% in 2023, we ensure your safety and that of the environment.

We do not use chemicals that could hurt the environment. At NZ Grinders we ensure the process is as clean and waste free as possible from the beginning to the end, and we recycle  in an environmentally friendly manner.

eco frinedly logo green arrows and leaf

Concrete polishing and grinding specialists